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Science of Getting Rich - 2 hour Audio Spiritual marketing - by Joe Vitale The Master Key System - by Charles Hannel SubliminalEzy - Subliminal Messaging Software I understand that the price for the individual audio’s is only $24.95 (USD) . I further understand that my order is absolutely risk-free . If my HypnosisEzy audio does not produce major breakthroughs in my life, or if I'm not satisfied with the results I'm getting, I can request a 100% refund within 8 weeks , and I get to keep all the free gifts.
Creating Abundance - $24.95 each
Wealth is first created in the subconscious mind; through positive imagery, supporting beliefs and a strong sense of spirit. This Audio enables you to bypass the conscious mind while providing your subconscious mind with productive, life supporting beliefs along with powerful images of wealth and prosperity, (running time 37:22). S ample clip below Introduces a Mirror technique and walks you through a series of manifestations.
Creating Abundance Sample Clip.
Creating Ideal Relationships - $24.95 each
Many folks seems to have advice on how to make relationships work, yet few offer solutions that challenge our deep underlying unconscious beliefs. This Audio offers a series of positive relationships scenarios along with powerful affirmations that communicate directly with the unconscious mind, (running time 21:36) . S ample clip below walks you through a series of relationship visualizations.
Creating Ideal Relationships Sample Clip
Improved Health - $24.95 each
What with the popularity of alternative therapies just about everyone is now aware of the positive connection between mind and body. This Audio offers several methods of hypnotic induction and instructs the listener in a powerful self healing process, (running time 34:29) . S ample clip below introduces the basic relaxation technique.
Improved Health Sample Clip
Self-Hypnosis - $24.95 each
Explains the principles of self-hypnosis and helps you to easily reach a more elevated state of consciousness, (running time 27:06) . Sample clip below offers positive suggestions prior to taking the listener in the relax section.
Self Hypnosis Sample Clip
Healing Others - $24.95 each
Teaches you how to harness the healing energies that are naturally present in the Universe and channel those energies to the people in your life who need help with their own health issues, (running time 30:43) . Sample clip below walks the listener through an affirmation session.
Healing Others Sample Clip
Self Love - $24.95 each Teaches you how to open your heart, increase your own self-respect, and get in better touch with your feelings and emotions, (running time 32:45) . The sample section below takes the user through a powerful Spiritual connection process. The Spiritual connection process follows the visualization session so the user has a selection of images to work with.
Binaural Beat Meditation - $24.95 each Uses amazing audio technology to increase the brain’s activity levels and helps you to quickly and easily enter states of creativity and relaxation!, (running time 19:34) . The sample clip below lets you listen to the Binaural beats that are masked by the soothing sound of music.
Binaural Beats Sample Clip
Self-Hypnosis Revealed eBook - $29.95 each
This definitive guide to the science of self-hypnosis. Just look at what this amazing book covers:
Fundamentals of Hypnosis Relaxation Techniques Testing Self-Induction Principles of Suggestions Concentrated Attention Reversed Effect Dominant Effect Goal Setting Goal Contract Set The Self-image Habits Waking Hypnosis Enthusiasm Building Self-confidence Stop Smoking Lose Weight Self-confidence Improve Family Relationships ... And much more
Self-Hypnosis Scripts eBook - $24.95 each
This eBook contains the full transcript to all the Self-Hypnosis sessions.