How To "UNLOCK The NEW YOU" In 30 Days Or Less!
ow You Can Finally Find Completeness, Happiness And
Prosperity By Taking Control Of The 3 Areas Of Your Life That Are
Responsible For 95% Of The Misery And Unhappiness That All Humans Face.

Re: NEW From HypnosisEzy
From the desk of J.L. Staniforth (CEO)
Dear Success Seeker,
- Do you know that 95% of the misery, despair and
unhappiness that every human being faces can be traced to just three
- Do you know that how you think about those
issues and how you respond to the negativity that these issues create
totally dictates how your life unfolds every day?
- Do you know that
while most people are directed by the events in their life, and thus
are sent helter-skelter through every day, there are a select few who
walk a different road?
Yes, there are some
people who understand how to control what happens in their lives and
how to wring every drop of fortune, health and love out of their
existence's just as you would wring water out of a washcloth after a
see, life does happen, but it does not happen randomly. There
are forces and rules at work in the universe and, for those who
understand how to live within those rules, life is much sweeter as a
Perhaps you know people who always seem to have
enough money to do what they want. Maybe they're not millionaires, but
they don't have to work two or more jobs just to keep food on the
Perhaps you know people who radiate good health.
Flu season comes and goes and they're not affected. Their skin is rosy,
their eyes shine, and they always seem so full of energy.
Perhaps you know
people who are unbelievably happy and content in their personal
relationships. Friends and family members love them and seek out their
company. They may not be beautiful, they may not be trim and slim, and
they may not have had a perfect upbringing. Yet, they are constantly
surrounded by people who love and care for them
Do you know at least
1 person who possesses all 3 of these traits?
Sadly, most people you meet do not possess
even one of these traits much less all three. That's because most
people live outside of the universal laws and principles that are meant
to shape their lives. Most people reject the gifts of the universe that
are rightfully theirs. In truth, most people don't actually
reject these gifts... they don't know that these gifts even exist!
But you don't have to be part of the group of
people who are constantly miserable because they live outside of the
power that these rightful gifts deliver. You can change all of that.
You can take control of your life ...
All you have to do is
take control of the three areas of your life that are responsible for
95% of your misery. And I'm about to show you how.
I am about to reveal to you is simple. Every human being who walks on
this planet is affected by 3 individual principles that rule his or her
life. It doesn't matter if that person is the leader of a nation or a
miner working miles underground. These principles affect everyone
Once you understand
the secrets that I am about to reveal, you will be well on your way to
being able to take control of your life.
will know how to restore the spiritual, emotional and physical balance
that has been destroyed by the things that happen in the world every
day. Once this balance is restored, your life will improve almost
immediately. This is not a casual statement. Every word I am about to
tell you is the truth.
What exactly are
these 3 key areas that I keep
referring to?
psychologists and sociologists all agree that 95% of a person's life
issues can be traced to the following three areas: Wealth, Health
and Relationships.
simple and how true.
think about your own life or the life of someone you know and you'll
quickly see the wisdom being presented here.
Yes, I realize that
95% means that a full 5% of life's issues exist outside these 3 core
areas, but take heart – I have a plan for dealing with that 5% as
Just read on ...
one of us lives in four separate realms or quadrants at
the same time. This might come as a surprise to you because you
probably have been taught that there are only two realms: The physical
world and the spiritual world. It is this fallacy that starts you out
on the wrong path in life and keeps you from ever finding the true
happiness and abundance that is your rightful heritage.
Recognizing the 4
quadrants in which we all live is the first step towards fulfillment.
"4 Quadrants" are:
- Mental
- Spiritual
- Emotional
- Physical
there is very little that any of us can do to directly change the
physical quadrant. That's because what happens in the physical quadrant
is really a reflection of how we are living in the other three
quadrants. Therefore, if you want to change what happens around you
externally, you have to address what is going on inside of you,
internally. It just stands to reason.
Changing the Mental,
Spiritual and Emotional influences in your life is a lot easier than
you might think.
fact, that is exactly what I am going to talk to you about.
three of the four quadrants of your life are actually internal,
you actually have full control over them. All you have to do is learn
how to influence these quadrants. All you have to do is train yourself
to be in touch with these quadrants just like you train yourself to
walk, ride a bicycle, or perform any of the millions of other tasks
that you do every day. It really IS that simple.
just like anything else worth learning, you have to possess the
knowledge and the tools necessary to reach your desired result. Unlike
expensive college education's or difficult technical school courses,
the knowledge and tools you need are right on this page and you don't
have to invest a lot of money to use them. All you really need is a
willingness to accept the principles that I am about to show you, and
some time to devote to making a difference in your life.
If I could prove to
you that in the same amount of time that it takes to watch one
television show per night you could actually increase your wealth,
health and the quality of your personal relationship's, you'd manage to
find that time, wouldn't you?
course you would. Who couldn't free up one hour to change their life?
It's likely that the time most people spend fretting about everything
wrong in their lives is probably 10 times more time that it takes to
make changes. Unfortunately, most people just don't know how to begin.
But you will.
Just read on to
discover what most people don't know about how to achieve wealth,
health and better personal relationship's ...
into every one of us is a powerful tool called the subconscious mind.
Now don't go worrying that I'm about to turn all Sigmund Freud on you.
I'm not. The reason that the subconscious mind is so powerful is
because it actually has the ability to change how we think, react, and
process what goes on inside our heads. It instinctively carries out our
every unconscious command because it is powerless to do otherwise. Do
you understand what this means? No? Then let me explain more clearly.
subconscious mind is a sort of computer that you are capable of
programming once you know how to "speak its language". Once you
programmed your subconscious mind to do something, it faithfully,
automatically and relentlessly goes about accomplishing exactly what
you told it to do. It has no other choice. That is what the
subconscious mind does. Doing our bidding is its nature.
truth of the matter is that you already program your subconscious mind
on a daily basis without being aware of it. You already know
how to speak the language of your subconscious mind, you just don't
realize it.
time you are sure you are going to have a bad day, your
subconscious mind goes about making your wish come true. Every time you
think something like, "If I have to keep doing this job today I'm
to get a headache," you get a headache.
when you think that "today I am going to be as unpopular or as broke
I was yesterday," you are never disappointed. It all comes to pass
exactly like you knew it would.
what if you knew how to program your subconscious mind to bring you
wealth, health and personal happiness?
What if you could
you want to know how to do that? Would you be willing to read on just a
bit further to discover how to set your subconscious mind into positive
mode for a change? Okay then,
Here is the secret to
turning around everything negative in your life and receiving only
positive and good things in return.
The secret is
self-hypnosis. Now hold on. I'm not talking about putting yourself in a
trance or anything like that. That isn't what self-hypnosis is all
about. You won't be unconscious. You won't "wake up" clucking like
chicken or being unable to find your belly button. That is Stage
Hypnosis and it is an entirely different thing than self-hypnosis.
What is self-hypnosis all about?
It's simple.
Self-hypnosis is a proven scientific method for achieving a heightened
state of awareness. Yes, heightened.
That's just the opposite of being in a trance. When you are in
a heightened state of awareness you have the ability to communicate
directly with your subconscious mind and to program it to carry out the
positive things you want to achieve.
Self-hypnosis isn't a
bunch of presto-chango mumbo jumbo. Medical doctors, psychiatrists, and
psychologists use self-hypnosis training to help their patients stop
smoking, lose weight and break other harmful habits that affect their
lives. I use these exact same principles and techniques to
bring about positive change in the 3 quadrants that affect your life:
The Mental, Spiritual and Emotional.
makes sense that if self-hypnosis can command your subconscious to
break the cigarette habit then it should also be able to command it to
change the way that you think about your life and how you react to the
outside and internal forces that bombard you with negative emotions
every day, doesn't it? Of course it does. Anyone can see that, right?
So, here is how you
are going to start receiving the abundance of wealth, health and
happiness that is rightfully yours.
key to receiving everything you deserve is contained in a special
self-hypnosis and awareness package that is designed to help you manage
the 95% of your life that is affected by the 3 areas over which you
have control plus the 5% that comes from outside the core problem areas.
Creating Abundance
- (running time 37:22). Wealth is first created in the subconscious
mind; through positive imagery, supporting beliefs and a strong sense
of spirit. This Audio enables you to bypass the conscious mind while
providing your subconscious mind with productive, life supporting
beliefs along with powerful images of wealth and prosperity.
Creating Ideal
Relationships - (running time 21:36). Many folks seems to
have advice on how to make relationships work, yet few offer solutions
that challenge our deep underlying unconscious beliefs. This Audio
offers a series of positive relationships scenarios along with powerful
affirmations that communicate directly with the unconscious mind.
Improved Health -
(Running time 34:29). What with the
popularity of alternative therapies just about everyone is now aware of
the positive connection between mind and body. This Audio offers
several methods of hypnotic induction and instructs the listener in a
powerful self healing process.
Sample Clips
Abundance - Introduces a Mirror technique and walks you
through a series of manifestations. Note: All audio's include a
visualization section using images relevant to your desires, Click here to invest in your future now.
Ideal Relationships - This section walks you through a
series of relationship visualizations. Note: All audio's include a
visualization section using images relevant to your desires, Click here to invest in your future now.
Highest Quality MP3 Technology
While the sample audio's on this web page have
been created at reduces quality to ensure a fast download. All of our
commercial Audio's are of the highest quality with superior encoding
for an enhanced listening experience.
Here is everything
you need to turn your life around:
Yes, it's just like I told you. In less time than
it takes to watch a television show you can bring about positive change
in your life. All you need is to be willing to listen to these three
hypnosis audio's that are available for immediate download.
You don't have to be
superhuman. You don't need any special abilities. If you can find
anywhere from 18 to 32 spare minutes to sit in a quiet place and listen
to these audio's and frankly, to follow instructions your life will
change. It will HAVE to change because these Audio's are going to show
you how to program your subconscious and kick it into positive mode.
Once you do that, you subconscious will be forced to bring
about those changes. They MUST happen. And, they will.
But these 3 Audio's are
just the tip of the iceberg. Remember, 5% of life's problems can't be
solved by these Audio's. I told you I had a solution for that and I do.
Just read on ...
addition to the 3 core Audio's mentioned above, my total self-help
package includes 4 additional self-hypnosis Audio's that are designed
to address the 5% of the problems in your life that are not related to
Wealth, Health and Personal Relationships. Here is what I've added to
make the program complete:
Self-Hypnosis -
(running time 27:06) that explains the
principles of self-hypnosis and helps you to easily reach a more
elevated state of consciousness.
Others - (running time 30:43) that teaches you how to
harness the healing energies that are naturally present in the Universe
and channel those energies to the people in your life who need help
with their own health issues.
Love - (running time 32:45) that teaches you how to open
your heart, increase your own self-respect, and get in better touch
with your feelings and emotions.
Beat Meditation - (running time 19:34) that uses an
amazing audio technology that actually increases your brain's activity
levels and helps you to quickly and easily enter states of creativity,
relaxation, or pure energy! In fact, the Binaural Beat methodology is
so powerful that it is employed on every one of the self-hypnosis
Audio's in this package.
Sample Clips
Self Love - This section takes the user
through a powerful Spiritual Connection process. The Spiritual
Connection process follows the visualization session so the user has a
selection of images to work with. Note: All audio's include a spiritual
treatment section, Click here to invest in
your future now.
Binaural Beats - Binaural beats are
masked by the soothing sound of music. Binaural beats automatically
take the listening into an relaxed state of mind and is ideal for
meditation or basic relaxation. Note: All audio's include Binaural
Beats, Click here to invest in your future
You Also Get The
"Self-Hypnosis Scripts" eBook
You will also receive the "Self-Hypnosis
eBook that contains the full transcript to all the Self-Hypnosis
Wow! 7 COMPLETE Self-Hypnosis Audio's that are
specially designed to address 100% of the issues that keep you from
reaching your full potential!, plus the full transcript of all the
hypnosis sessions.
But there is still
something missing and here it is ...
I realize that the
concept of self-hypnosis might be a little "outside the box" to those
who do not fully understand the principles behind it. That's why, in
addition to the 7 self-hypnosis Audio's, I'm including a copy of my
“YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR DESTINY!!! Self-Hypnosis Revealed
This definitive guide to the science of self-hypnosis normally sells
for $29.95, but I'm including it at no additional charge when you order
the 7-MP3 audio self-hypnosis package.
Just look at what
this amazing book covers:
- Fundamentals of
- Relaxation Techniques
- Testing Self-Induction
- Principles of
- Concentrated
- Reversed Effect
- Dominant Effect
- Goal Setting
- Goal Contract Set
- The Self-image
- Habits
- Waking Hypnosis
- Enthusiasm
- Building
- Stop Smoking
- Lose Weight
- Self-confidence
- Improve Family
- ... And more
And still that's not all. I'm also including ...
10-minute speed
versions of each audio so you can get the core benefits from each
audio when you are short on time!
Wow, that's a lot to
digest, so let me summarize everything for you.
- 95% of the misery,
despair and unhappiness that every human being faces can be traced to
just three areas: Wealth, Health and Relationships
- We can control these
areas and receive the gifts of wealth, health and loving relationships
that are rightfully ours by simply programming our subconscious mind to
deliver these gifts to us.
- Self-hypnosis is a
scientifically proven way to communicate directly with the subconscious
- I've created 7
Audio's that take you through the steps that have been proven, time
after time, to attract these gifts. These Audio's include both the
full-length versions of each session (each audio is 30 minutes or less)
as well as the speed listening versions of each that require
just 10 minutes of your time.
- I've also included a
self-hypnosis eBook that thoroughly explains the principles behind
Now, here is the really amazing part ...
Hypnotherapists charge
as much as $150 per hour or more to teach you the same principles that
I've covered in the 7 Audio's and the Self-Hypnosis Revealed eBook that
I include. And you would have to spend several hours with a
hypnotherapist to learn everything that you will learn from my Audio's
and my eBook.
This amazing package
is not only state-of-the-art, its also incredibly affordable
Check out our "Value
Comparison Table"...
HypnosisEzy Package

a Romantic Partner

and Wholeness





7 *
10-minute speed version. $12.50 each

Revealed eBook

Transcript of all 6 Hypnosis sessions.

Powerful Self-help reports.

purchased separately:
today for just:
With your Hypnosis
package you get 7 audio hypnosis products - and more - integrated
into one package for the one time investment of just $97.00 (USD)
"That's An Incredible
$220.00 (70%) Discount When You Order Today"
That's right, you
don't have to pay $300, or $150 per hour over and over again, just to
get your life aligned with the energies of the universe because I'm
making all 7 Audio's, the 2 eBooks and the 10 minutes speed versions
available for just $97.00! That's right. For less than you will pay to
spend one hour with a professional hypnotherapist, you can get a
lifetime of self-hypnosis benefits. Everything you need is available
for instant download right now. All you have to do is:
How can we offer such
great discounts?
All the Audio's are available to you in handy MP3
format for immediate download, so we can pass on great savings to you.
MP3 downloads have several advantages over
regular CD's
- Immediate download on your computer for
quick listening. You can start benefiting right away!
- Listen on your Apple I-pod.
- No Costly Shipping and Handling Charges.
- No Waiting to put your mind and body on
autopilot... You can start changing your life in a matter of minutes!
- With this format, we've made it very easy for
you to have it immediately.
- MP3's are generally considerably less
expensive than their physical counterparts.
The eBooks are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (.PDF)
format. Most computers come with Adobe Acrobat Reader pre-installed. If
it is not, it can be downloaded free from
FREE Software -
For a faster download experience we suggest you get a copy DAP "Download
Accelerator Plus". It's free and available from the download page,
it will let you download at VERY fast speeds and allow multiple pause
to the download. Plus, its yours to keep for all your other Internet

Yes, I know what you're thinking ....
"What if this
self-hypnosis stuff is a bunch of hooey and I'm no better off after
listening to the Audio's than I was before I started PLUS now I'm out
Relax because along
with this incredible offer I'm also including an unconditional,
No-Risk, FULL 8-Weeks Money Back
I'm so confident that you
will be thrilled with these Audio's that I'm willing to make this
unprecedented guarantee. Invest today, take as long as 8 Weeks
to see if it really does for you what I say it will. But if, for any
reason it doesn't give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren't
satisfied, let me know within 8 Weeks and I'll be happy to give
you 100% of your money back.
Remember, you get all
of this ...
- Accumulating
Wealth audio
- Attracting a
Romantic Partner audio
- Self-Healing and
Wholeness audio
- Self-Hypnosis audio
that explains the principles of self-hypnosis and helps you to easily
reach a more elevated state of consciousness.
- Healing audio that
teaches you how to harness the healing energies that are naturally
present in the Universe and channel those energies to the people in
your life who need help with their own health issues.
- Self-Love audio
that teaches you how to forgive yourself, increase your own
self-respect, and get in better touch with your feelings and emotions.
- Binaural Beat
Meditation audio that uses an amazing audio technology that
actually increases your brain's activity levels and helps you to
quickly and easily enter states of creativity, relaxation, or pure
energy! In fact, the Binaural Beat methodology is so powerful that we
employ it on every one of the self-hypnosis Audio's in the entire
- Self-Hypnosis
Revealed eBook, the definitive guide to the science of
self-hypnosis that normally sells for $29.95
- 10-minute speed
listening version of each audio for those times when
you're in a hurry.
- PLUS...
eBook Transcript of all 6 Hypnosis sessions.
You get ALL of this for a one time $97.00
investment. You can download the entire package right now.
Securely with ClickBank Right Now!

Don't delay, this
price and offer is for a limited time only!
You will be listening to the MP3 Audio's and going through
Self-Hypnosis Revealed eBook in the next 30 minutes.
But maybe you're not ready for the entire package.
Maybe you want to take things a step at a time. That's OK, we
understand. That's why you can download any individual audio for just
$24.95. Of course, we can't include the Self-Hypnosis Revealed eBook,
Script eBook and reports and mini versions because that's reserved for
people who get the entire package for just $97.00. Either way, the
choice is yours. Just click here
to order.
Your life is about to
change. I guarantee it!
P.S. Remember:
- 95% of the misery,
despair and unhappiness that every human being faces can be traced to
just three areas: Wealth, Health and Relationships
- We can control these
issues and receive the gifts of wealth, health and loving relationships
that are rightfully ours by simply programming our subconscious mind to
deliver these gifts to us.
- Self-Hypnosis is a
scientifically proven way to communicate directly with our subconscious
- I've created 7
Audio's that take you through the steps that have been proven, time
after time, to attract these gifts. These Audio's include both the
full-length versions of each session (all of them are 30 minutes or
less) as well as the speed listening versions that require
only 10 minutes of your time.
I've included a
self-hypnosis eBook that thoroughly explains the principles behind
You can order and
download the entire package right now for just $97.00 and get the free
eBooks (a $29.95 value), Mini version and the Script eBook. Or you can
order any individual audio for just $24.95 each without the eBooks,
reports and mini audio's. The choice is yours. But please, don't spend
another day in self-imposed misery. You CAN change your life NOW! Do it
today, Click Here to invest in one
of our individual audio's, or Click Here
to get the FULL package.